michelle obama h3h3
Ethan: Coby Person seems to be the sole influence of TLC's new show. "I
my kid!" *whistle* It appears to be based entirely on Coby's 2015 prank: The Dangers of Social Media. In which parents went under cover,
and kidnapped their own children, which was absolutely delightful and one of my favorite videos of all time. Father from Coby's video: MICHAELA! ARE YOU CRAZY?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! Ethan: I really don't get it. If you're gonna rip
someone off, why rip off a YouTube prankster? than that There really has to be better ideas to steal than that. Although the original video does have 56 million views, so Who am I to judge? Well, I'll tell you one thing for certain: with all the class, taste, and good judgment TLC has shown thus far, you know this one is gonna be juicy. I present to you a show based entirely on one shitty YouTube prank. Enjoy *H3H3 Theme* Michelle Obama: Wow, Ethan, great moves. Keep it up, I'm proud of
you! *H3H3 Theme* The Shirks' Home Camarillo, California Elliot: I took a couple days and... we made a profile that I think Mariah is gonna connect with. Are you guys ready to meet this entirely fake person that we've created out of nothing? Lisa laughing: Alright. Elliot: Lisa, Mark, I want you guys to meet Mason Williams. He's Mariah's age, he dresses very kind of trendy very with it. "FRESH CUT #$W4GZ" You know, he's a cool kid- Ethan: Fresh-cut swags man... When
you say fresh-cut swags and you have a zipper on your sleve and you're creating fake profiles to flirt with little girls, the only conclusion is that you're way too good at this. Elliot: "Fresh Cut Swags" *slowmotion* *slower* NBC show: Would you have a seat right there please? "Swag" ???: So, what were you so pumped for? Elliot: You know, he's a cool kid. He's in(?) nature just like Mariah is. He also is a photographer and this is all part of the ploy, too,
so that when we reach out to her we can be like hey do you want to actually have your picture taken because I do photography. And then she can go through and see this and be like, "oh my gosh, I definitely want my photo taken!" "Swags" Ethan: You don't need to act like you're a predator. You have a zipper right there in your arm. You know what these little pockets here in your arm (are) for? Lubricant and condoms for quick access. That's the only purpose of a
pocket right there. What? Oh, oh, let me grab some change. Yeah, right. It's date rape drugs, it's condoms and it's lube for quick access, dude. Elliot: Here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna let you guys navigate this. What do you guys think we should say to Mariah? Lisa: Uhh, what's up or something? (Like that) Elliot: That's good. That's- Mark: Yeah. Lisa: Something like a guy would say, you know. Elliot: Type it in, go for it! Ethan: Yeah! "What's
up?" Ooooh, you are Shakespeare! Lisa: "Uhm, what's up or something?" Ethan: Can I see your butthole? That's what the dad wanted to open with. "Can you show me your butthole?" They're like "that's a little aggressive. How about what's up?" 's like, alright. Elliot: Type it in, go for it- Mark interrupts: You can type it. Mason: "What's up?" Elliot: Okay, click send! Boom. Ethan: I like how he slides the laptop (tablet) to
the mom to make her type it in, he's like "I just want this to be known for posterity for when your daughter is watching this with her therapist many years from now, that she'll know that it was you, her own mom, and not the show that stabbed the knife into her back. That it was you who typed "What's up," that epic poetry that we all agreed upon?" "Yeah, take that my old daughter! You must be damaged as I am!" Elliot: We have made contact and
we'll know she'll be willing to talk to us privately. Elliot: Oh, there you go. Mark: Oh my god. She's already responded. What do you guys want to say next? Lisa: What are your plans for today? ???: Go for it. That's a good one because you're like making it about today and about the other person. Ethan: Oh, brilliant! "What are your plans today?" I mean lady. Are you in the writings- uh, Writers Guild? Are you- are you classically trained? You know when you think
about it, this is almost like a predator tutorial. Elliot: That's a good one. Ethan: Oh, that was really smart because it's about today, getting her as soon as possible before anyone else finds out about this conversation, and it's about a media. It's personal, we got to get her in that van today. It's almost like a get quick, like a rape quick ra- rape quick scheme. "How to get a little girl in your van today!" Elliot: That's a good one. Mason: What are your
plans for today? She said "Parents kicked me out of the house for some alone time." "Ha ha so I'm stuck babysitting my brother and sister." Mark: Oh, that's nice, now he knows that she's got a brother and sister. Elliot: And then she's away from her parents. Mike: He not only knows that she's alone, but that my other two children are alone, too, including my seven-year-old daughter. *silence* *slow motion* "my seven-year-old daughter" Elliot:
What's Mason doing today? Lisa: I was thinking about hitting up the beach. Elliot: Great! Mark, you want to say "hitting the beach?" Mark quietly: Okay, here we go. Mason: I'm hitting up the beach Ethan: Mark, would you like to slide the dagger into your daughter's back and- and uhh.. ensure years of therapy-? How about the beach? *Ethan makes loud noise* You want to go to the beach? Scratchy voice: Yeah! *noises* Just blood squirting everywhere. *more noises* His face is
covered in blood. Scratchy voice: You wanna meet me at the beach? That's how she sees this, by the way, watching his back Elliot: We could find a photo of a beach and send it to her to kind of drive the point home. So this is a trick that actual predators use to look real. What I'm gonna do now is quickly edit this photo, in the tablet. So I'm going to take this down. We're going to get rid of this other account. And I'm going to click done, so now it's just the
photo. There's no way to prove that I didn't take that photo. (although it still can be proven) Lisa: Really looks real. (to idiots it does) That's... scary. Mark: It's incredible how many tools are there these predators to create the perfect world to lure their victims in? *Ethan parodying hackers and catfishes* Ethan: I'm in. Lisa: 's see if she responds to that one. Mariah:
Source : h3h3Productions
michelle obama h3h3
Source: https://youtuberead.com/i-catfished-my-kid-on
Posted by: allbrightwatermint.blogspot.com
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